Platform for online courses and training
What is a platform for online courses/training?
It is a computer program that allows training activities to happen online, through the internet, intranet or VPN; the key is that physical presence is not required to carry out the activity.
At Tecnonexo we have developed a world-class platform to teach online courses that adapts to any discipline or type of courses, whether for companies, NGOs, universities, schools or government entities. We can also develop courses in Moodle, an open source software widely known in the world of online training.
What are the advantages of an online platform for teaching courses?
- Does not require physical presence.
- Classes / courses are permanently available.
- It can be synchronous or asynchronous. This means that courses can be delivered live, in real time, or can be recorded.
- People enrolled in the courses can do it at their own pace at the time that suits them best.
- It is also possible to model and run the traditional model: Course A => Exam A, then Course B => Exam B, etc.
- Training costs are reduced since there are thousands of courses in the market in the most diverse fields, as well as the level of depth in which each subject is covered. It is not necessary to develop courses from scratch.
- If the available courses are not suitable, it is possible to design and create a course. There are several ways to do it, but in the industry there is already the SCORM standard which is, to explain it in a simple way, a way to package in a single file all the resources that a course requires: text, images, animations, videos, music, locution, tests, exams, etc.
- Virtual courses are often complemented by video conferences, where the trainer can have a closer contact with course attendees.
- Communication through discussion forums is also traditional, where students ask questions, express their doubts or simply comment on the course. The trainers of course participate in the forums, help to solve doubts and answer questions.
- The fact of having all the information stored in a structured way enables the subsequent measurement of the level of participation, level of knowledge acquired, allows to qualify the trainers and, very importantly, allows to measure the ROI of the training, that is, to the recovery of investment in training, a parameter that is commonly extremely difficult to measure.
Do online course platforms have any disadvantages?
- Although the technical requirements are minimal, a device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection are required. Without this, it is not possible to access the platform.
- The presence, the fact of having a real contact between trainers and students, often generates an empathy that helps in training; Furthermore, it is much simpler to keep up with the courses / classes and clear doubts on the spot. It is advisable to complement virtual courses with face-to-face classes or at least with virtual classes in real time.
We have carried out more than 500 e-learning projects involving in many cases platforms for virtual classes. As clients we can mention Coca-Cola, MercadoLibre, Universidad de San Andrés, UADE, ITBA, Banco Macro, Banco Santander, Banco BBVA, Marriot Hotels, Makro, Ford, Fiat, Peugeot, Renault Trucks, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and many more.
If you want to know more or try a demo of our virtual platform, please contact us by clicking here.
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Consulting Services
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